play store remove app 30 character
Google Complaint, Google News, Google Play Store

One or more of your application titles is longer than 30 characters In 2021 we updated our policies to limit app and game titles to 30 characters.

In 2021 we updated our policies to limit app and game titles to 30 characters.

Check your app titles (and translations) and reduce any that are still longer than 30 characters.

In July this year we’ll be truncating titles that remain in violation of the new policy.

Ignore this message if you have fixed this within the last 24 hours.

Google Suspended many mobile applications from the play store due to the new policy. In this policy, your app name should not exceed 30 characters.

If your application is still on the Play store and contains more than 30 Characters then kindly reduce your app names by today else your app will be removed and then you need to submit the appeal to the google team.

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